Sunday, August 22, 2010

Attracting Hummingbirds

Want a challenge? Try shooting hummingbirds! Many professional photographers are constantly fine tuning their techniques. You can get great images of the smallest birds but it takes practice. The first step is to learn about hummingbirds, this includes which species you have in your area and how to attract them.
Hummingbirds are migratory. They spend winters in South and Central America. In fact, they started their fall migration earlier this month. They will continue to migrate through southeast Texas until mid-October, so you have a lot of time to practice.
Putting up feeders is the best way to lure hummers to within camera range. Do NOT use red dye in the sugar water in the feeders. The red on the feeders will attract them. Some prepackaged feeder solutions come with red dye, I know. But don't use it. I mix plain granulated sugar in water, 4-to-1 ratio (for instance, 1/4 cup of sugar in a cup of water). Buy feeders that you can dismantle easily to clean. Change the solution every few days, mold and mildew form quickly.
Multiple feeders are a good idea. If you can, place these feeders out of line of sight of each other. This will cut down on hummers dueling over the food source. They are very territorial and aggressive toward each other.
Before setting up your gear just sit and observe for a few hours every day. After a while they'll get used to you and you'll be surprised how close you can get to them. This is helpful if you don't have a really long lens. Depending on the orientation of the sunlight and how fast you want to shoot you may want to deploy strobes.
Lastly, don't worry that feeding hummingbirds will prevent them from migrating to warmer climes in a timely fashion. It won't. One day you'll watch your feeders, and not see anymore hummers. By Halloween you'll take your feeders down, clean them and put them away 'til spring.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Photo Blinds On Four Wheels

Most animals don't have a natural fear of vehicles. This is evident when you drive down almost any road or highway and see the carnage. The bright side is photographers can use their vehicle as a blind. There are a few advantages over a static outdoor blind.
First, you have a climate-controlled location to shoot from. This means a lot when it's extremely cold or hot outside. It also keeps precipitation, dust and direct sun off your gear, and you. This is gear you haven't had to carry anywhere to get the shot. It's right there at your finger tips.
Secondly, you're much more mobile. If your quarry gets spooked and runs or flies away its easy to relocate without major disruptions.
When you find a suitable subject try to make a gradual stop. Turn off the engine. You don't want any vibration. Turn off your radio, too. White Snake or Led Zeppelin blaring from your "blind" might blow your cover!
Use a beanbag or folded towel to set your lens or camera on. I found a U-shaped neck pillow at a second hand store that is perfect for bracing a lens on the door frame. Cost a whole buck. Monopods or even a tripod is a stable platform. With the tripod keep two legs together between the side of the seat and the door. Extend the third leg to brace against the other door or passenger side of the seat.
Of course, the price of fuel is a factor to consider. But the slow speeds and stopping the engine when you shoot should help keep you out of the poorhouse. Another disadvantage is that you are limited to places with roads. Although nothing says you can't get out and wander, on foot, into the woods for a closer shot. Just remember to lock your vehicle and don't trespass.
I've done this kind of shooting in parks, refuges, rural roads and in suburbs. Be extremely cautious if you choose to do this on a highway, though. I'd advise against it. It could be very dangerous. It may also be illegal, depending on the roadway.