Sunday, July 25, 2010

Great photo ops at National Wildlife Refuges

Want to photograph wildlife? Go to where the wildlife are. One of the best places to go are the National Wildlife Refuges. I have found all manner of reptiles, birds and mammals. These wildlife refuges were primarily set aside as habitat for migratory birds. In fact, the first was designated by Theodore Roosevelt in 1903: Florida's Pelican Island. Now there are 540 refuges around the country totaling 95 million acres. A large percentage of this land was purchased by money from the sale of Federal Duck Stamps. To learn more go to:
The really good news is entry, in most cases, is free. Perfect for a struggling photographer on a budget. There aren't many amenities but these places were designed for wildlife not people. They generally open at sunrise and close shortly after sunset (calling ahead is always a good idea). There is hunting allowed in parts of these refuges on designated days but this hasn't affected my visits.
Bring your longest, fastest lenses for the 'gator shots and shy birds. But don't neglect your macro lenses and flash. There are usually a ton of dragonflies, damselflies and butterflies. There are also biting flies and mosquitoes so bring repellent. I most often visit during the late fall and winter months. Fewer biting bugs and more unique migrant birds. On a sunny day in winter the alligators will be out soaking up rays. You'll get some great shots of them for your files. There is even a herd of bison at the Attwater's Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge just outside Sealy, TX.
I usually shoot from my car. Most of the animals are acclimated to vehicles and really don't pay that much attention to them. There are a few blinds set up in some of the refuges for photographers and wildlife watchers. But they are in pretty bad repair most of the time. Also consider damage from Hurricane Ike will still be evident on the man-made structures. Again, call ahead. I have always found refuge staff very helpful and willing to give you updates on conditions.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Location, location, location! That’s the supposed mantra for real estate agents when it comes to selling their products. It’s also a serious consideration for photographers. Most nature photogs know that interesting subjects can be found in their own backyards or in the local park. But nothing gets the creative juices going like a wild area.
National Parks are great places shoot natural images but they aren’t always very easy to access for the weekend or even an afternoon. Most seem to be a long way from where we live. Some more easily reached, and less crowded, public lands are wilderness areas, national wildlife refuges and wildlife management areas. The first two are usually federally owned and maintained. The third, at least in Texas, are state owned or regulated jointly by state and federal entities.
Little Lake Creek Wilderness Area is approximately 45 minutes from where I live. It’s imbedded in the Sam Houston National Forest, just north of Montgomery, TX. Unlike the rest of the national forest it is off-limits to logging, mineral exploitation or any other development. Almost 4,000 acres of relative constancy. No need to tell photographers what a boon this is to our vocation. That particular grove of bottomland hardwoods will only grow larger. Those palmetto flats will remain, never to be turned into soccer fields. The creek will only be dammed by beavers.
The one concession to development is hiking trails, maintained by the Lone Star Hiking Trail Association. This allows access, by foot. No motor vehicles are allowed. I highly recommend you stay close to the trails and get a good map of the wilderness, available from the National Forest website:
There are five other wilderness areas in eastern Texas, maybe closer to you than this one is to me. Look them up and explore. You’re in for a treat. Next time I’ll talk about the national wildlife refuges, truly one of this nation’s treasures.